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Newsletter Issue #460: 04 May 2014

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Music Thinks - with Ryan Kershaw

In this month's newsletter, we bring you a guest editorial from Ryan Kershaw.
Visit http://www.ryankershaw.com/ for more information.

In a perfect world many people would like to take a pill and magically be able to play amazing guitar. Trust me, if I knew of a pill like that I would have taken it years ago.

Reality is though, that there is no magic pill and it takes years of hard work and perseverance to get to a professional level. Yes there will be a lot of challenges but it is through overcoming and learning from those challenges that you become a better player and a better musician.

In this guest “Music Thinks” column for muzic.net.nz I will show you how to think in order to get you on your music career pushing forward and not let anything get in your way. This column is directed primarily towards those of you that are guitarists but it’s core idea is just as valuable to remember no matter what instrument you play.

To kick things off we will start with perhaps the most important thing of all. This idea really connected with me after reading Jack Canfields ‘The Success Principles’ and is the first principle in his book;


Can’t finder a teacher? So what; Jimi Hendrix didn’t have a regular teacher. No money? Find ways to make some. It is your responsibility to make sure that you become a great player, no one else’s. No one else can exercise your fingers for you.

Remember that while it is tempting to blame other people for not helping you or even for double crossing you, keeping your attention on that is taking time from looking at who can help you. Try and see how you can learn from negative experiences and use the experience to grow from.

To be honest in life it’s pretty hard to cruise through without coming across major obstacles no matter who you are.. Do you think it was easy for Dave Grohl to deal with the death of Kurt Cobain? It would have been quite easy for him to quit music then and there but he didn’t.

Tony Iommi could have used getting the tips of his fingers cut off as an excuse and stopped playing. Jeff Healey could have given up because he was blind. And I don’t even need to mention Jason Becker! All of the previously mentioned guitarists went on to greatness and found massive respect because they didn’t blame or point their fingers at everything else. They got on with it!

If you take 100% responsibility you instantly shift towards what CAN work. You feel strength in knowing that you are the creator of your career and you are the one that will get you playing as good as, or even better than your favourite guitarists.

Sure, be annoyed for a minute or two when things go wrong but get on to getting good things done quickly, and use your energy to move forward. The truth is that none of us have a perfect journey towards guitar playing greatness, but knowing that you are responsible for doing well, and no one else, is the first step in making that journey pretty damn cool.

I’d like to leave you with some musicians to look up who have overcome the odds to become great despite the adversities that they faced. Read about or check out some videos of Mark Goffeney, Django Reinhardt, and a player I mentioned earlier in this article, Jason Becker.

Keep heading for your dreams and don’t let anyone elses negativity in New Zealand or otherwise stop you! Most of all, make sure it’s not your own thinking that is holding you back m/

- Ryan Kershaw


Megan Sidwell

Megan Sidwell embodies the perfect balance of edgy, chuck-wearing rocker with the pure heart of a country belle. Her music forms a unity between the sensibilities of rock and country pop. Her songs bleed infectious pop hooks and country harmonies, with an edge and a dramatic overtone uniquely her own. Thanks to Megan for answering the following questions:

Which one of your songs are you most proud of, and why?

I’m really proud of each song off my EP, Forever on a Sunday. I can listen to that whole EP and not cringe so much that I have to turn it off. And that’s a huge thing for me! (An annoying perfectionist)

Where is your favourite place to relax in NZ?

There is a little beach just north of Orewa that I go to when I need to escape the city. Nothing beats the Mount beach though. I spent a lot of time there growing up.

How would you describe your music in one sentence?

Like Taylor Swift but more badass.

What can we expect to see from you over the next year?

Hopefully a lot more live shows with my incredible band. Looking at recording at the end of the year too if I can get enough funding.

What advice would you like to give to other aspiring musicians?

When you find a genre that you feel best represents you, do not change for anyone. If you start doubting yourself then others will too. Oh and always treat everyone with the utmost respect. You never know who could be listening!

What can you never leave home without?

Definitely my phone so I have access to EVERYTHING, and a trusty pair of chucks. I own a lot of pairs so I always have something that will match each outfit.

What is your most embarrassing on tour/gig moment?

I was giving out CDs from on stage at a New Year’s Eve gig. I went to throw one to someone and completely missed and nearly hit another person in the head…

What inspired you to become a musician?

Music got me through a lot during my teenage years. I wanted to write a song that would help someone out the same way that music had helped me. That’s why I write so much about the different kind of relationships you can have. It’s something personal to me, but also something that I hope my listeners can relate to in their own lives.

What rumour would you like to start about yourself?

That myself and Hayley Williams (Paramore) are BFFs.

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Forever On A Sunday EP Review
Forever on a Sunday - Stunning Debut from Country Pop Rocker Megan Sidwell (press release)


Heathen Eyes

Heathen Eyes are a hard rock/metal band based in Auckland, and have been together since 2010. They mix influence from metal, 90's rock and ambient rock - keeping dynamics strong and mixing between heavy and softer influences. Thanks to Jason for answering the following questions:

Which one of your songs are you most proud of, and why?

For me the song I am most proud of would be Into The Waves, which we recorded at York Street just before it closed, we will be releasing it after our EP. I'm proud of that song because it really represents everything we embody as a band; beautiful, dreamy, heavy and aggressive all mixed into one.

What can we expect to see from Heathen Eyes over the next year?

We have been piecing together a release for the best part of a year now so that should be out to the public soon, also the Into The Waves release and video. So yeah, we have shows to play, 8th of August at The Kings Arms being one and an EP and follow up single to release also having a live session filmed and recorded for the web.

What local albums have you been enjoying recently?

Myself and Paul have been big fans of Cobra Khan and their two last albums, they are part of our influence to have synths in our music, then there is always Shihad's Killjoy album..... but then I like old school, I'm not huge on a lot of the newer bands.

What inspired you to start Heathen Eyes?

Life inspired me to start this band, I had recorded a song (Sun) with our synth player before he was in the band... before there WAS a band for that matter, it was just me tracking everything with Paul, I showed a few people at Mainz the track and they were keen to get in on it. I had just left Wellington after a break up and hadn't started a band on my own for a few years and wanted to have more creative control than I'd had before just being a stand alone singer.

Tell us about Heathen Eyes’ next release.

The next release from us will be the finished 5 track EP - we've released 2 singles off it already which have had good feedback, it's been great watching the process speed up as Paul has been growing as a producer/engineer. The EP is a crossover of genres. Though keeping in the rock/metal vibe people will notice a lot of different influences, it gets pretty dark in parts as Paul was really pushing for emotive influence and then it changes into just rocking the fuck out...... Darkness with a smile ;) 

What is your most embarrassing on tour/gig moment?

Well the funniest thing.... we were on tour with Evil In Eden while Paul was playing with them and we had a different line up, their singer was pretty tanked in the van and decided his burger would look better on his face and smeared it everywhere..... then washed his face in a puddle on the side of the road, amazingly they owned that nights show like champs, it was side splitting!

What sets you apart from other bands?

Hmmmmm, what sets us aside is our dedication to "the show", too many bands expect things to be handed to them and don't put out the energy themselves.
We know that in order to impress you must perform like it's a packed house every time and that without that "show" you may as well go and listen to a CD.

Heathen Eyes is Jason McIver (guitar, vocals), Billy Todman (bass), Paul Lawrence (synths, samples), Jak Stone (guitar, vocals) and Chris Birch (drums).

Website Links

Muzic.net.nz Page
Official Website
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MySpace Page
Facebook Page
Reverbnation Page
Soundcloud Page

You're Gonna Need A God Single Review
Blood of Cain Single Release Gig Review @ Kings Arms Tavern, Auckland 01/11/13
Blood of Cain Single Review


Fiona Pears

Violinist and composer Fiona Pears started performing as a soloist with orchestras at the age of twelve. Now based in both London and New Zealand, she has forged a career as an international soloist and recording artist. Thanks to Fiona for answering the following questions:

Where is your favourite place to relax in NZ?

I love being at home with my family. I live with my hubby Ian Tilley, doggy Barnaby Jackson and Cat Millie Tilley Pears. After travelling and touring for so much of the last 10 years, there is something so special about just being able to play with the pets and spend lazy time in my new vegetable garden or painting another room in the house. Guess I love a bit of DIY! Something that contrasts well with violin practice and getting glammed up for the concerts. I also love the fact that I can stay in my PJ's till the afternoon! 

What local albums have you been enjoying recently?

Cool Water By Delaney Davidson and Marlon Williams. Love these guys!  

What is your long term goal?

To never lose the passion to be a better musician and teacher.

Where do you get your inspiration to create music from?

Life! People, places and the family pets... ha ha! I keep writing tunes about the new 4 legged additions to the family! I also love quiet time. One of the tunes on, Swing Driven Thing, was written while sitting outside at midnight looking at a beautiful full moon. I find that when I am really quiet and on my own I keep getting melodies arriving in my head.  

Tell us about your next release.

I have just released Swing Driven Thing. This CD is a little different to my other releases. People have been asking me for years about recording a swing album. I’ve always loved the music of Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grappelli, and although I often play this music live, I haven’t recorded much of it until now. As always with my CDs, I like to have a mixture of styles to keep it interesting for the listener. So there’s everything from the beautiful Django piece, Nuages, my own arrangement of Duke Ellington’s famous, Caravan, right through to a few of my own compositions, including the more classical, More Than a Memory. As you can see from the cover, this album is intended to be fun! I had a great time recording it and I hope that you will hear this in the performances…

What can you never leave home without?

Sadly, my iPhone...

What inspired you to become a musician?

My family, but all I remember as that as a child I was most happy when I was playing music or listening to music. I never entertained the idea of doing anything else with my life.

Website Links

Muzic.net.nz Page
Official Website
Amplifier Page
MySpace Page
Facebook Page
Youtube Page

Fiona Pears ‘Swing Driven Thing’ CD (press release)



Hot on the heels of their soulful debut single, Find Yourself, and fresh off the back of a hugely successful Launch/Release Show in March, Stormporter are out to bring some Sparkle, Shimmer and Shine to NZ Music Month, when they release their eagerly awaited 2nd single.

Produced by Kiwi legend, Ben King (Goldenhorse, Grand Rapids) - known for his uncanny ability to find the heart of a pop song - Stormporter will be dropping this shiny new, Indie pop-rock gem smack bang in the middle of NZ Music Month. Like it’s predecessor, Sparkle Shimmer Shine will no doubt charm it’s way onto radio airwaves and into the ears and hearts of Kiwi music lovers.

The Stormporter boys, Tim Allen and Tones Thorburn - two storytelling Brits who now call NZ home - were in mighty fine company when tracking the song at The Lab studio. Matthias Jordan (Pluto, Gin Wigmore) brings sparkling piano melody dished up with huge Hammond-driven choruses - fast becoming a staple diet of Stormporter’s signature sound. The pomp and fanfare of trumpet - Haddon Smith (The Checks, Ruby Frost, Annah Mac) - stirs up emotion, while the drums of Adam Tobeck (Jesse Sheehan) combined with Ben King’s groovin’ bass, lay down a solid foundation for Tim Allen’s sweet, heartfelt vocal delivery. Tones’ shimmering signature guitar riffing once again shines through, and the ridiculously uplifting choruses are sure to brighten and lighten your day, as you hum and sing along with carefree abandon.

Stormporter fans and listeners will be left hungering for an encore; with upcoming live shows soon to be announced plus, news of a debut EP in the planning, that hunger will no doubt soon be satisfied.

It won’t be long before this perfect storm moves off-shore onto the global stage. The long range forecast is for more musical storms; otherwise fine.

Sparkle Shimmer Shine // new single & video // out soon!

Stormporter are Tim Allen and Tones.

Website Links

Muzic.net.nz Page
Bandcamp Page
Facebook Page
Twitter Page

Stormporter EP Release Gig Review @ Nectar Bar, Auckland 22/03/14
Stormporter set to stir up a musical storm with debut single Find Yourself (press release)


NZ Music News

Che Fu Recieves Lifetime Acheivement Award, Announces 2014 Plans

With Che Fu’s prolific career to be recognised at the 2014 Vodafone Pacific Music Awards this coming Thursday 8 May where he will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to New Zealand Pacific Music, the local legend is pleased to announce the next step in his career with new music to be released in 2014 via an exciting joint venture between Illion Records and Dawn Raid Entertainment.

As one of New Zealand’s hip hop pioneers, Che-Fu’s extensive career paved the way for many of today’s New Zealand Pasifika, soul, hip hop and reggae performers. The award comes as a fitting acknowlegement to one of our Kiwi greats for the massive impact and influence he has had on shaping the scene, as well as adding further credence to his critically accliamed back-catalouge.

But while Che-Fu’s work may be enough to fill a lifetime, he’s showing no signs of slowing down yet.

Full Article

Kiwi Artist Ezra Vine Signs Global Record Deal With Parlophone Records UK

New Zealand singer/songwriter Joseph Farris, better known as his stage name, Ezra Vine, has signed a global record deal with Parlophone Records UK.

The Auckland born musician celebrated the signing with a rooftop performance at the company's London office yesterday.

"Signing with Parlophone is the highlight of my career. To be joining a label whose roster has been home to so many brilliant artists such as The Beatles, Coldplay, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Two Door Cinema Club, Blur, and Gorillaz, is both humbling and a privilege. I can't wait to make records as a part of their family," says Farris.

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Native Tongue Celebrates NZ Music Month

Native Tongue Music Publishing in association with Beck’s NZ and the NZ Music Commission is excited to celebrate NZ Music Month this year with a show at the Kings Arms on Saturday May 17.

The stellar line up includes Native Tongue writers The Bads, Mulholland and The Phoenix Foundation, coinciding with their new EP release Tom’s Lunch. This Music Month showcase will also mark the start of Native Tongue’s 10 Year Anniversary celebrations, with further events planned throughout the year.

Native Tongue has kicked off 2014 with a modern new brand and recent signings Cut Copy, Ladi 6 and Shapeshifter.

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Pharrell breaks near 40 year old NZ Music Chart record

This week marks a new era in the New Zealand Music Charts with the breaking of a near 40 year Singles Chart record.

As of this week, Pharrell Williams’ Happy has occupied an impressive 15 non-consecutive weeks at #1 on the NZ Top 40 Singles Chart.

The feat sees him break the record for longest running #1 Single in NZ, set more than 35 years ago by Boney M and the 1978 double-sided single Rivers Of Babylon/Brown Girl In The Ring.

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NZ National Hip Hop Dance Championships Competition Heats Up For 2014

Over 500 dancers from across 5 NZ regions will go head to head at the Hip Hop International Street Dance NZ National Hip Hop Championships from 30th April – 3rd May at the Victory Convention Centre. 4 Days of the very best crews in New Zealand will be competing for coveted places that qualify them to represent NZ at the World Hip Hop Championships to be held in Las Vegas, August this year. Last year the National New Zealand team faced 43 other Countries.

“Street Dance NZ exists to ignite and empower the potential in the community. The competition has gone from strength to strength as the NZ hip hop scene has rapidly expanded with fresh new innovative talent, hungry to show the rest of the world what they’re got. It’s more than just a competition for us… it’s about developing a platform and pathway for the next generation to reach their dreams” says Street Dance NZ Director, Bev Adair.

Full Article

Country Music Album & Song Finalists Announced

Finalists for the 2014 Recorded Music NZ Best Country Music Album and APRA Best Country Music Song have been announced today (April 23) and it’s female songbirds who dominate the line-up.

Finalists in the Best Country Music Album are Waimate’s Kaylee Bell for her second album Heart First while Wanaka’s Anna van Riel makes the list for Whistle and Hum and Auckland-based Marian Burns joins the line-up for The Paris Sessions.

With Finger in Too Many Pies, Marian Burns joins New Zealand country legend Tami Neilson who has two songs in the running for Best Country Music Song - her solo effort Texas together with Whiskey & Kisses, a collaboration with Delaney Davidson.

Both awards are to be presented on Friday 23 May at the New Zealand Country Music Awards in Gore.

Full Article

New Podcast Series to Help Kiwi Musicians

An exciting new podcast series has been created to highlight the fact that there is much more to the music business than just “Rock Star” or “manager”.

Musician, founder of the NZ Underground Festival and Author of Use Your Buzz to Play The Guitar, Ryan Kershaw, is releasing ‘Music Talks’ for NZ Music Month.

Music Talks has been created to bridge the gap a little between musicians and the industry, providing musicians with an understanding of the industries perspectives and letting the industry hear what both musicians and those in the business side of music think can be improved.

Interviewees range from NZ Music legend Mike Chunn, to the publisher of long running “NZ Musician Magazine” Richard Thorne, as well as hearing opinions from those newer to the industry.

Launch date is May 1st and will be available online.

Full Article

Nathan Haines takes home third Jazz Tui

Celebrated jazz saxophonist Nathan Haines has his third career Tui with Vermillion Skies announced by Recorded Music NZ as Best Jazz Album for 2014.

Haines’ previous Tuis were for The Poet’s Embrace in 2013 and Shift Left, his first album release in 1996.

The winning album has been announced tonight (March 18) at the National Jazz Festival in Tauranga.

Vermillion Skies was released in March 2013 and debuted at #5 on the Official NZ Top 40 Album Charts. It is Haines’ 10th solo album and it builds on the classic sounds of The Poet’s Embrace.

Most of the album was written in London where Haines and his wife relocated last year.

Recorded Music NZ CEO Damian Vaughan says he has great respect for what Haines has achieved over the years.

“Nathan has cemented his status as an icon of New Zealand jazz with back-to-back wins in the Best Jazz Album category,” says Vaughan.

“Jazz is a difficult and beautiful music genre. Haines has proven he is a true master.”

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MMF Music Managers Awards - Finalists announced

It is an event managers and other industry guests look forward to each year, and this year the MMF Music Managers Awards is to be held at The Tuning Fork in Auckland on Wednesday May 14.

New Zealand music managers today work tirelessly for the love of their band and are far more than a manager of affairs; they’re a booking agent, record company, travel agent, merchandise seller, driver, counselor and at times even a wardrobe assistant.

The MMF Music Managers Awards recognise the blood sweat and tears of those working frantically behind the scenes of New Zealand’s most popular acts.

Full Article (including the finalists' list)

The Taite Music Prize: announcing this year’s winner & the Independent Music NZ Classic Record recipient

The winner of the fourth annual Taite Music Prize 2013 is Lorde for her album Pure Heroine released on Universal Music New Zealand.

Grant Smithies, one the 2014 judging panel said: “..this was the year when a diverse bunch of grizzled music industry veterans/ writers/ record snobs chose a smart, challenging and original underground pop LP as the best record made here in the last 12 months. Lorde’s LP was a rare example of an underground pop record being so damn good, it went mainstream, not just here, but worldwide.”

Named after the late Dylan Taite, one of the country's most highly respected music journalists, this was the fourth year for the prestigious award. The Taite Music Prize's purpose is to recognise outstanding creativity for an entire collection of music contained on one album. Lorde wins a cash prize of $10,000, to be spent as she wishes. The Taite Music Prize is organised by Independent Music New Zealand (IMNZ), and PPNZ Music Licensing kindly supplies the cash prize. The winner will also receive free recording time at Red Bull Studios and a year’s supply of Red Bull product, alongside a KiwiFM marketing campaign.

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Smokefreerockquest & Smokefree Pacifica Beats 2014

Out of the classroom and onto the stage – it’s the big motivational promise that Smokefreerockquest has been offering to young Kiwi musos for the last 26 years, matched for the last decade by its ‘sister’ event Smokefree Pacifica Beats.

With the current success of soloists Lorde, Aaradhna and Kimbra, and bands such as Shapeshifter and Broods, founders and directors Pete Rainey and Glenn Common say motivation has never run higher.

“People might assume that kids just need to practice a song – but there’s a lot more to it than that,” Common said. “Teachers really value the motivation that playing live on a real stage provides, as kids work through the preparation that is linked to NCEA unit standards.”

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2014 APRA Silver Scroll Awards to be held in Wellington

APRA AMCOS are proud to announce that the 2014 APRA Silver Scroll Awards will be held in Wellington on Thursday 30th October.

Now in its 49th year, the APRA Silver Scroll Awards is a highly-anticipated annual event that recognises and celebrates outstanding achievement in the craft of songwriting. The event is traditionally held in Auckland; however this year the awards will be making a welcome return to Wellington.

“I’m delighted that the APRA Silver Scroll Awards are making a return to the Creative Capital.” says Wellington’s Mayor Celia Wade-Brown. “The awards have a long history of recognising excellence, and it’s Wellington’s pleasure to welcome the awards back to our vibrant music community for 2014”.

The decision to host the 2014 awards in Wellington was made to extend the reach of the awards to APRA AMCOS’ members nationwide.

Full Article

NZ Musicians - Tours and Releases

Tiny Ruins announces full NZ tour for Brightly Painted One

Beck's New New Zealand Music Album Release

Introducing Bailey Wiley - IXL EP

Devilskin Announce We Rise Album Release And Tour

Junelle - Just This Sky EP release

Dawn Raid 15 Year Anniversary Tour & Album
Sammy Johnson Releases New Single & Video

NZ Band Ghetto Sunrise Release Debut Album

New Sherpa video and tour!

Party tricks and boring secrets - Book Launch Tour
Jayson Norris - Save My Soul video release

Estère releases self-produced debut album

The Phoenix Foundation Tom's Lunch Tour

Arch Hill 15th Anniversary

Naked and Famous first show sold out. Second show added

Shayna King announces The Day Is Young NZ Tour - May 2014

Smashproof Tackle Social Isues With 'Survivors' Video

Marvelly Releases New Single, My Own Hero
Songs From The Inside - Volume II

Sherpa - Blues & Oranges album release

Beastwars Announce Vinyl Reissue

The New Brides - Single Release
Liam Finn releases third solo album today!

Blacklistt Announce Always Tour 2014

New music: Happenin - Oakley Grenell ft. Stauny Pops & JDouble

Great North Announce New Album, Up In Smoke, and National Tour

Ginny Blackmore & Stan Walker Release 'Holding You' Single and EP

International Musicians - Tours

Ben Howard second show announced

Elvis Costello Announces NZ Support For Auckland Show
Introducing Busby Marou
Gary Numan New Zealand 'Splinter Tour' May 2014

Brant Bjork (Kyuss/Fu Manchu) returns to New Zealand

The Rolling Stones confirm rescheduled Australia & New Zealand tour dates
Janelle Monae With Kimbra NZ Show Announced!

White Lung & Upset - NZ Tour - June

Kings of Country

The Paper Kites say Kia Ora New Zealand
Meat Puppets head to New Zealand
US Pop-Rock Trio Hanson Announce First Ever NZ Show

Andrea Bocelli Announces 2014 Australian and New Zealand Tour


NZ Music News
Gig and Tour News
Artist News


Muzic.net.nz News

New Artists

The following musicians have been added to the muzic.net.nz website during April:

Lomez Brown Cheshire Grimm Meridian Vibe
Miz Ima Starr A Thought That Came to Mind Chastisement
Medusa Glare Seventy One Sunset Husk
Red Sky Blues Delete Delete Mitch Alderlieste
You Barbarians Bailey Wiley Ezra Vine


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New Reviews

Check out our latest reviews at the links below:

Sora Shima - You Are Surrounded Album Review
Written by Carl

David Sutton - 40 Album Review
Written by Peter

David Sutton - Cheese Album Review
Written by Peter

Ginny Blackmore - Holding You Single Review
Written by Tony

Heathen Eyes - You're Gonna Need A God Single Review
Written by Peter

Great North - Up In Smoke Album Review
Written by Ria

Meridian Vibe - Crash And Burn Single Review
Written by Tony

Depths @ The Powerstation, Auckland 06/03/14
Written by Kate

Riqi Harawira - Please Find Me Girl Single Review
Written by Rodrigo

Lightning Bells - Chime EP Review
Written by Ria

Louis Baker EP Release Gig @ The Tuning Fork, Auckland 28/03/14
Written by Kate

Jason McIver - The Crystal Pool Single Review
Written by Peter

Ashei - Bright Eyes Single Review
Written by Carl

All of our reviews and interviews can be read here.

New Photos

Thanks to Bradley for providing these photos:

Into The East
The Shakedown

Our latest photo galleries can all be viewed here.

Tour Features

All muzic.net.nz features can be viewed here


About muzic.net.nz newsletters

The next muzic.net.nz newsletter is going out on Sunday 1 June 2014

Any NZ bands and musicians can feature in our newsletters
You can choose the date which suits you

We can also feature record labels, venues, music stores, music websites
and anything else that has something to do with NZ music

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Our newsletter archives are one of the most accessed areas on the site

- The muzic.net.nz team


NZ Top 10 Singles

  • APT.
    ROSÉ And Bruno Mars
    Lady Gaga And Bruno Mars
    Billie Eilish
    Sabrina Carpenter
    Gracie Abrams
    Sabrina Carpenter
    Gigi Perez
    Teddy Swims
    Chappell Roan
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