Devils Elbow - 'KO' EP review
10 Mar 2010 // A review by Trevor Faville

The name Devil’s Elbow might not ring many recognition bells-yet- but this two-piece have some solid pro history and have brought some big guns to assist on this their first release, a three track EP.
Looking for descriptions of their sound on the web is fun, the best being Facebooks ‘Shitkicker/ Country / Punk / Rock’ line. To be sure this is punky country rock, and the sound could be well described as rigorously authentic, through instrumentation, tempos and, right down to the accents and musical inflections, such as the beat known as “the train” (to oldies) that powers opening track KO through its course. The playing is tight and focused and production razor sharp and crystal clear.
So far so Trad then, but some of the best moments are perhaps less obvious, and occur with nifty circular lyrics like “are you really giving' up on quitting, if you don’t want to be a quitter no more” or the sly use of a 7 beat bar in the coda of “Lost One”. These are deft touches that really lift the songs up. Hopefully the incoming debut album “Sand on Chrome” won’t hide this lyrical nimbleness and musical sensibility away.
Review by Trevf.
About Devils Elbow

Devils Elbow hail from the sunny Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Formed in 2007 the bands sound has been described as punk-influenced, alt. country-flavoured, electric-folk, garage rock 'n roll.
"There’s just a lot of class on display here, great work from all band members,
great writing, arrangements and production." - Simon Sweetman, Off The Tracks
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