17 Apr 2009 // A review by Daniel Boom

"Truth Of The World"
I'll start by mentioning three of the stronger songs on the album "Everybody's Doing It" "Tonight On The Show" and "Hey Boys And Girls". They're concise and have strong melodies. They're not really my cup of tea, but they're melodic. Something I always look for in music. Melody and harmony.
The Beatles and The Bee Gees had strong melody and chord movement in their music. Good songwriting. Unlike Beyonce. If Beyonce were a boy, he'd be younger than Beyonce - because she's not a girl! She's like over 25 years old, like me, and I sure as hell ain't no boy! Actually what I was going to say was if Beyonce were a boy, he'd roll out of bed, throw on what he wanted (maybe a fat gold chain instead of a pearl collar necklace!) and still make objectionable music.
This album attempts to be like a Rock opera, or concept album. A concept album is a brave pursuit. Sometimes it works well, in my opinion. For one thing, the subject matter isn't the usual fare, so the lyrics can be more left field and a little more thought provoking. I like songs with lines you don't expect or make you partially wonder what the hell goes. Semi veiled, slightly cryptic. Impressionistic (rather than something resembling an advertising jingle or shopping list). Sometimes, for a change from songs about "working for the weekend" or "love in an elevator" or "every breath you take", interesting subject matter can lend itself to some pretty interesting music. When you hear it you're like, wow man, Jim Morrison is still alive! This album isn't interesting though.
"Truth Of The World" seems to cover the influence of the media, capitalism and consumerism, the isolation of the individual, chemical dependence, etc. etc. It seems to touch on the dangerous impact of popular culture and advertising on peoples' perceptions. What happened to self reliance? Taking things with a grain of salt? Being detached? Me time? I've given this album a few listens, it's been hard to tolerate. These guys came from round these parts and they've done quite well overseas, but I must be strict.
What seems to be going on stylistically with this album is a mish mash of Rock, Electronica, pop balladry, string arrangements, weirdo carnival music, documentary-like voices etc. etc. Like many other concept albums, it's ambitious. I just don't enjoy the album though. Not only is it a bombastic mix, I don't like the songs.
To conclude, I prefer Evermore more when they're writing pop-rock, probably more like on their previous album (if I'd actually heard it. I've only heard singles). I also think it would be very hard to match some of the concept albums (and Rock operas) of the prog-rock era, so unless you've got a really good idea (like say, Sandy Pearlman with Imaginos, or Alan Parsons with I Robot, or if you're a Pink Floyd fan, The Wall), don't dare make a concept album.