Jonny Love - Jonny Love Newsletter Interview
09 Nov 2008 // An interview by Shade
What is the best gig/event you have ever performed at, and why?
I played a support slot recently for Newton Faulkner which was great fun. The crowd were along really early so I played to a packed venue and they were very responsive and respectful. It felt like a lot of people were really listening and connecting with the music which was very flattering. Newton afterwards was also an inspiration to watch.
What is your favourite NZ venue?
It'd have to be the St James, there's just something about that place that's just special.
What can we expect to see from Jonny Love over the next year?
Basically touring as much as I can to promote the album and hopefully some overseas ventures to try and get the music known a bit more internationally as well. As this is my debut album I don't really know what to expect myself though!
What other NZ musicians or bands would you like to see more of, and why?
I'd love to see more of Autozamm. They're a great band, really good songwriting, backed up with a fantastic live set.
If you could, what rumour would you start about Jonny Love?
That I'm going to be doing a world tour with Sigur Ros
What advice would you like to give to other aspiring musicians?
Work hard and never forget that you never know who might be in the room listening to you, so always give your all.Believe in what you're singing/playing and try to connect people to your music.
About Jonny Love

Crank up the volume!
Jonny Love is back with his sophomore offering COURAGE – and he’s laid down his acoustic guitar and plugged in the electrics. Don’t be fooled by the gentle 36-second instrumental intro. What follows is a blast of raw energy as the Weight of Tomorrow kicks off 12 tracks of soaring, good-time guitar-driven rock and ballsy balladry.
The aptly titled COURAGE marks not only a sonic shift for Love, who established his career in 2008 with his self-titled debut album of warm acoustic indie pop, but also a turning point for him personally as an artist.
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